Play the Day Away!

What better way for a dog to spend the time that mom and dad are at work than to play in the park with their friends all day?

We will have daycare available all days of the week, and your pup will be able to play in the park all day under the expert supervision of our highly trained staff. All rules of the dog park are relevant to daycare as well. Throughout the day, there will be scheduled relaxation times for a break from the noise at the park.



You must be a member of the dog park to participate in daycare.

Full day: $20

Additional dog: +$18

Half a day: $16

Additional dog: +$14

Hourly: $12

Additional dog: +$10

    Saturday and Sunday daycare are charged by the hour.

Next Steps...

We are working on designing the space and getting funding. Speaking with the Department of Health and Baltimore's Zoning commission to see what we need to set this up.